Balmoral in Lisbon

Just Another Typical Day In Sunny Lisbon

Today in Lisbon was just another easy day onboard the Balmoral. Sunny and warm as in the weather forecast, the 27 degrees Celsius outside air felt like I was transported to the Philippines’ peak summer months.

Well, everybody onboard actually loved that weather we had today, especially those who were lucky enough to enjoy some of their spare time ashore. As for me, doing the midnight and noon shifts (12 to 4 watch), was just another typical day.

Balmoral in Lisbon

I was on bridge watch from noon until departure, so exploring Lisbon in that very nice weather was just a dream (or hanggang drawing lang 🙂 🙂 ) But anyhow, I got the best Lisbon memento – a nice photo of the Balmoral with her blue, red and white livery and of myself with Lisbon’s newly repainted central station, the Sta. Apolonia Railway Station in the background. I used ‘newly repainted’ because as far as my memory recalls, that building used to be light blue – and now it’s displaying some shades of bright red. And by the way, here’s an interesting article on the real truth about the building’s new color.

For short port stays like this, shopping, eating out, drinking coffee or beer, and sightseeing on e-trike are just some of the few things one can do (especially for the ship’s crew) to enjoy Lisbon in a glance. For longer port stays, well, Lisbon has countless offerings for everyone to explore!

From Lisbon, Portugal, now Balmoral is en route to her next destination, Honfleur, France. At 936 nautical miles, we should be there in about two days and 15 hours. Of course, we can arrive at Honfleur earlier but we have to adjust our ETA as per arrival times in the published itinerary.

Have a great day!

the poor dad
Hello there! I'm Dex and welcome to The Poor Dad, a travel blog for the budget-savvy travellers!



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I enjoy the seas but I love the less demanding life in a farm more than anything else. While I find myself caught between personal life and work, I still manage to make time doing the one thing that I enjoy – BLOGGING.

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