
California Dreamin’, Caribbean Wishin’

It’s been a week since our ship bid goodbye to Southampton Port, UK. It was business as usual, and it was business with pleasure. We were slated to take the cruise ship on a 62-night cruise, visiting various ports in the Caribbean and the Americas. Many of us had already felt the shift in the weather, from the cool dampness of Europe to the dry tropical climate of our destinations. There were 13 countries in our itinerary, for a grand total of 18 ports.

As a crew member, I had been looking forward to setting foot on US soil again. I had been to the East Coast of the country twice in the past, but this time I’m excited to visit the West Coast! Yes, there is a certain charm to the hustle and bustle of New York and its peers, but there’s also something to be said about the beach-friendly West.

While life on a cruise ship is always hectic, I’m hoping I could don the tourist hat as soon as we get permission to alight. I mean, it could be just a wish but wouldn’t it be fun to have some photo ops in the iconic Golden Gate Bridge? I can’t say I’ve been to San Francisco without taking at least one selfie there! Or how about taking a stroll around Hollywood, to know how it feels like under the dazzling lights of 90210?

Me in Funchal
In Funchal, Madeira

I’m partial to the West Coast, and maybe the weather is a major factor. Three days after we sailed from Southampton, we sighted land in Funchal, Madeira. We stayed in port overnight, and most of the crew hopped off to enjoy the sights and sounds. I planned on joining them, but I changed my mind as soon as the chill hit me, it was still winter in this part of the world!

I am planning to step out and have some fun when we dock in Barbados, our first port in the Caribbean. I’m pretty sure it’s all sunshine there, just like it is back home in the Philippines. I could hit the beach, or just have fun with the gang feasting on seafood. It’s still around six days before we reach the country, so I have ample time to think about my personal itinerary!

As of the moment, though, we’re still sailing amidst the deep, dark blue of the ocean. Land sightings tend to be rare in this leg of the cruise, and it’s now that one can really appreciate the vastness of the seas. So far, the weather has been fine and the barometer is forecasted to remain high until we reach the Caribbean. So we can just keep on enjoying it! The only caveat is the nagging homesickness, that sinking feeling that the whole thing could be much better with my family by my side. Good thing the ship’s internet connection is a ready remedy, so I can regularly chat or call up my folks. Oh yeah, I have regular video call sessions with Coco, my adorable chubby pug as well!

It’s getting late as I write this, and I have to go to bed now. A cruise ship crew has to make the most of whatever rest he can get. So until next post, good night!

the poor dad
Hello there! I'm Dex and welcome to The Poor Dad, a travel blog for the budget-savvy travellers!



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I enjoy the seas but I love the less demanding life in a farm more than anything else. While I find myself caught between personal life and work, I still manage to make time doing the one thing that I enjoy – BLOGGING.

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