Dakak Park and Beach Resort

The Philippines is known around the world as a tropical paradise with its abundance of amazing beaches. But the word “paradise” might be a little overused.

Dakak Park & Beach Resort was in my mind weeks before my flight back to Philippines. I know there’s no chance to take my family for holiday in Boracay for the time being but this private resort in Zamboanga del Norte is no way to be underestimated. And before I know it, I booked at the resort for another memorable holiday with my wife and kids.

That holiday in Dakak Park & Beach Resort was amazing and totally memorable and I can’t wait to share that fantastic experience here in my blog – I owe to Dakak Park & Beach Resort a very commendable review. The whole world has to know!

You don’t get to enjoy paradise with innumerable people scampering around while you’re trying to get a tan. You don’t get to enjoy paradise when there’s loud music blaring while you just want to relax by the sand. And you don’t get to enjoy paradise when you can’t find a decent comfort room when you need it most!

But a private beach with a stunning white-sand beauty, complete amenities, and virtually anything else you could want in a beach vacation — ahh, that is paradise. Dapitan’s Dakak Park & Beach Resort falls squarely within this category.

A Taste of Perfection

Born in 1988 and located in the historically rich area of Dapitan, Zamboanga Del Norte, Dakak has started garnering international attention and accolades ever since it opened its doors. It has stood out among its peers not just for its outstanding beauty, but also for its wealth of recreational activities. Nestled along mountains on its western side and situated at the southern region of the country, Dakak’s location allows it to evade the typhoon belt. This turns it into an all-weather, all-season destination — not something many other beach resorts could boast of. It’s also easily-accessible, as it’s only half an hour away from the neighboring city of Dipolog and its airport!

Luxury can be felt everywhere you are within Dakak. Each of its 158 rooms had been built in the native style — you will never forget in which part of the world you are! With bamboo trappings and capiz shell windows tastefully decorating your abode, each of the rooms and bungalows are a visual treat.

All rooms are equipped with a complete suite of amenities, including an air conditioner, a TV (with movies and local channels), a mini bar, an intercom, and a hot and cold shower! You can choose from three room types:

Standard Bungalow. If you’re into bowling or tennis, this room offers quick access to the court and the Games Pub.

Deluxe Villas. Near the beach itself, these rooms are perfect for those trying to balance out luxury and budget.

Super Deluxe Villas. Private grounds carpeted in perpetual green grass, a private veranda where you can watch the waves and the sunset, a hammock for the bibliophile — what more could you ask for to complete your ideal tropical vacation?

And of course, we’re not even talking about the beach itself yet. Approximately 750 meters of private white-sand beach provide an ample room to frolic in. For those who love the sea itself, there are various water sports and activities from cruises to wakeboarding. There are also at least 9 dive spots in the area, all easily accessible from the hotel. So whether you want a peaceful and quiet vacation with the best nature has to offer, or an adventurous time filled with all sorts of activities, Dakak has you covered.

Service Above The Rest

But what are good amenities and location if the service isn’t of five-star caliber? Traditional Filipino designs go with traditional Filipino hospitality in Dakak. Their front desk staff greets you with a beaming smile that sets the mood for your stay. It’s a very well-run ship that they have, with enough staff to cover the needs of all rooms at the same time. Their intercom phone service allows you to contact staff when you need to.

Their staff is available around the clock, too! They have anywhere from laundry and babysitting services, and their massage service is on-call 24 hours. To help ensure everyone’s safety, they also have an on-call doctor and a 24-hour clinic service.

Fun at Every Turn

The wealth of recreational services that Dakak offers would be too numerous to cover in any review. With family games and competitive sports to pools, cruises, a zip line, ATV, horseback riding, rock climbing, and even airsoft, there is no boring moment here!

And of course, you’re in Dapitan — the place where Rizal spent the last years of his life. Why not take a tour around the Rizal Shrine, the Spanish houses, and other interesting historical spots in the area? There are also night tours, cove hopping tours, and even a cockpit tour and a fishpond tour! The latter is great if you love fresh seafood, as you can have fresh oysters, crabs, and prawns for your next meal.

And as if that’s not enough, Dakak also offers packages for unlimited rides at the Gloria Fantasy Land, the largest theme park outside Luzon. This amazing place has 3 hectares of fun, and is best visited at night for maximum enjoyment. All the theme park essentials are here, along with a host of shows and entertainers all around. There’s even a Go-Kart course, as well as interactive rides. It’s a perfect place for families and couples.

And for those who would like the ultimate Dakak experience, the resort offers a helicopter tour that gives you a literal bird’s eye view of the whole beach and the surrounding mountains!

Gastronomic Feasts

And here’s the final piece of the perfect vacation: great food! There are various choices for hearty eats in and around Dakak. There’s the al fresco experience at Bamboo Cafe, where you can make the most of your tropical setting. There’s also Thai Restaurant that serves buffets and Chinese cuisine, and then there’s Kinilaw Ug Inihaw Sa Fishpond Restaurant.

If nightlife is what you want, there’s the Pirates Disco Bar and a karaoke beer house, as well! Dakak has you covered in all respects, letting you simply sit back and enjoy this well-deserved vacation.

Are you ready for your getaway?

Making reservations at Dakak is also a breeze. Simply head over to their website, where you can choose which dates and rooms you would like to book. Their site also contains picture galleries and further information about each room type, so you have a good idea of what you’re booking for even without seeing it.

Regardless of what you choose, however, your stay with Dakak is sure to be a notch above anything else you have experienced before.

the poor dad
Hello there! I'm Dex and welcome to The Poor Dad, a travel blog for the budget-savvy travellers!



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