Tinago Falls

Tinago Falls: A Secret Paradise in the Philippines Perfect for Your Next Getaway

Tinago Falls
Tinago Falls

Mindanao has always been known for its breathtaking landscapes, pristine beaches, and diverse culture. However, there is one hidden gem that not many people know about – Tinago Falls. As its name suggests, it is a hidden gem tucked away in a lush forest in the province of Lanao del Norte, and visitors need to climb down a narrow trail of around 500 steps to reach the falls’ base. Despite the challenging trek, Tinago Falls’ beauty is definitely worth the effort.

To get to Tinago Falls, you will first need to make your way to the city of Iligan. From there, it’s a short journey to the falls. While there are a few options for transportation, most visitors opt for a private vehicle or motorcycle. The journey may be off the beaten path, but the journey is half the adventure.

The main hiking trail to Tinago Falls starts at the entrance to the falls. The trail is about 500 steps and will take you down to the base of the waterfall. The steps can be slippery, so be sure to take your time and watch your step. Once you reach the bottom, take a moment to marvel at the beauty of Tinago Falls. The 240-foot waterfall is surrounded by lush greenery, providing a serene and peaceful atmosphere. You can take a dip in the cool waters, or just sit back and marvel at the sublime scenery.

Offering an adventure that is slightly off-the-beaten-path, Tinago Falls is a favorite among local tourists and is also gaining popularity among foreigners alike. The serene atmosphere and stunning surroundings make it an ideal destination to escape the stress of modern life. Its hidden location makes it less crowded, providing a serene and peaceful retreat for those who seek it.

But what many people don’t know is that Tinago Falls is more than just a stunning natural wonder – it is also a hiker’s paradise. So, if you’re the adventurous type and love to hike and trek, Tinago Falls is definitely a place worth visiting. First off, it’s important to note that the hike to Tinago Falls is not for the faint of heart. The trail can be challenging and steep, so it’s best to come prepared with comfortable hiking shoes and bring enough water to keep hydrated. It is also advisable to visit during the weekdays, as it tends to be less crowded.

So if you’re planning a trip to the Philippines and are looking for an adventure that goes beyond the typical tourist spots, make sure to include Tinago Falls in your itinerary. With its hiking and trekking trails, you’ll discover hidden wonders that will make your trip even more unforgettable.

Tinago Falls

Oh, it’s my birthday today? Happy Birthday! Wait, how come I didn’t received generic birthday messages on Facebook? Did I forget to update my birth year or something? LOL… I did it on purpose! Sneaky me! I just wanted to test who my real friends are, and well played.

But seriously though, it’s kind of refreshing to not be bombarded with “Happy Birthday” messages from people you haven’t talked to in years. Plus, now I can gauge who actually remembers my birthday without relying on Facebook’s reminders. It’s like a fun little social experiment. So, how many people have wished me a Happy Birthday so far? A lot of surprises!

Either way, I have a fantastic birthday filled with lots of love, and a cake. And who knows, maybe next year I’ll switch it up and make it public just to see how many people come out of the woodwork. Cheers to another trip around the sun!

the poor dad
Hello there! I'm Dex and welcome to The Poor Dad, a travel blog for the budget-savvy travellers!



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I enjoy the seas but I love the less demanding life in a farm more than anything else. While I find myself caught between personal life and work, I still manage to make time doing the one thing that I enjoy – BLOGGING.

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