The journey from Funchal to Lisbon, Portugal was a delightful one. We arrived on a fine day and I was thrilled to see the beautiful city of Lisbon once more. The city has a special charm that makes it a fantastic place to wander around, even without any intention of shopping.
As someone who has visited Lisbon several times before, I can’t help but feel excited each time I’m there. There is always something new to discover in this remarkable city. From the colorful buildings to the lively streets and the beautiful riverfront, Lisbon is a city that never ceases to amaze me.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to go ashore and explore Lisbon this time around. We had a safety drill in the morning, and my watch started at noon, so I had to stay on board. However, as we set sail from Lisbon, I was able to take in the incredible views of the city from the ship. I was particularly fascinated by the stunning 25 de Abril Bridge, and I couldn’t resist capturing a photo of it as we passed by it on our way out of Lisbon.
The vessel is currently navigating through the North Atlantic Ocean and making its way towards the port of Southampton in the United Kingdom. Though there is some noticeable swaying, the ship is handling the current conditions with ease. It’s hard to believe that just a week ago, we battled through much rougher seas. But today, the sky is clear and the sun is shining, making for a much more pleasant journey.
Wishing you all a wonderful day ahead!
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