mother earth is healing

What All These Travel Restrictions Mean On The Bright Side

I have come into writing this because I realized that I couldn’t wander around. I know that I am supposed to be somewhere satisfying my wandering feet’s craving :). But not this time of the year yet as travel restrictions are still imposed in some corners around the globe. Some cruise ships has begun sailing, though not in full scale yet, but it’s getting there.

Anyway, I have also come to think about what all these travel restrictions mean on the bright side. I’m thinking about the bright impact it brings to the environment. If many have a hard time figuring it out, well to me, it’s simply is grand karma. Here’s why.

COVID-19 is still on the rise, and despite the drastic measures undertaken by the world’s governments, the number of infected people continues to increase. In perspective, the COVID-19 pandemic may be the single most significant world event in modern memory, even more than the recessions and regional wars we have faced. No other recent event has caused the grounding of so many flights, the closing of so many businesses, the quarantine of so many people. And yet the key to eradicating this incredibly aggressive virus is still pretty far off.

After all this, I’m pretty sure a scientist or think tank would come forward to say just how many tons of air pollutants had been eradicated from the Earth’s atmosphere, throughout this global pause. Even now, satellite images show normally smog-hidden areas around the world.

COVID-19 is still on the rise, and despite the drastic measures undertaken by the world’s governments, the number of infected people continues to increase. In perspective, the COVID-19 pandemic may be the single most significant world event in modern memory, even more than the recessions and regional wars we have faced. No other recent event has caused the grounding of so many flights, the closing of so many businesses, the quarantine of so many people. And yet the key to eradicating this incredibly aggressive virus is still pretty far off. Free from their sickly shroud. Mother Earth is taking a much-deserved breather from the ravages of human abuse.

And this, to me, presents a powerful lesson. Maybe this is just karma, on a global scale. Just as COVID-19 is keeping us on our toes, it’s also worthwhile to remember that we, too, have been toxins against Mother Nature. Our collective actions as humans have brought the Earth down to its knees in the past, and now it needs to get back up again. This pandemic is just one of Earth’s defense mechanisms, a way to remind us we have crossed the line, a way to show us that we are merely stewards of Creation, not its gods.

May we remember this when we’re back up again, even after this pandemic has ceded into nothing but a memory.

the poor dad
Hello there! I'm Dex and welcome to The Poor Dad, a travel blog for the budget-savvy travellers!



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I enjoy the seas but I love the less demanding life in a farm more than anything else. While I find myself caught between personal life and work, I still manage to make time doing the one thing that I enjoy – BLOGGING.

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